

斯凯岛乐透彩票, 保罗学院分析经济学专业的大三学生, has found flexibility and opportunity with an internship through the 影响学期 program.

斯凯岛乐透彩票 is passionate about businesses that focus on environmental and social good. When she was looking for an internship to help her grow her hands-on experience in this area, 她发现了“影响学期”项目.  

影响学期 是由 社会创新学院 在波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, and pairs 主要研究 undergraduates with Granite State organizations to support projects related to positive environmental and social impact. 影响学期是一个伙伴项目 城市学期,透过 换零钱机协作.  

“我本来很想参加这个城市的学期, 但我在校园里有一门经济学课必须亲自去上,洛托说. “‘影响学期’让我得以留在达勒姆, 学习这门课程, undertake an internship and receive all 16 credits that I needed for the semester, 我认为这是有益的,非常灵活的.”    

洛托是纽约大学分析经济学专业的大三学生. 保罗经济与商业学院 and political science at the 文理学院, is one of four students participating in the first 影响学期 at 主要研究.  

洛托正在和 新罕布什尔州企业社会责任协会 (NHBSR), a nonprofit that brings together socially responsible organizations from around the state. She works remotely with NHBSR for 30 hours a week while earning a semester's worth of credits.   

她在整个学期都获得了12个学分, 8 .实习经历, and four from the 社会创新学院’s “Becoming a Problem Solver” course. 洛托还选修了另外四个学分的经济学课程, 本学期共16个学分.    

她在实习期间建立的关系也让洛托知道了 联合国儿童基金会影响诊所, a partnership between NHBSR and 主要研究 that allows students to serve as consultants for regional companies working to assess their social and environmental impacts, 她将在2025年秋季学期参加哪些课程.   

作为NHBSR的社会创新研究员, Loto’s major project is preparing the Measure What Matters NH reports for businesses, 需要用微软Excel进行数据分析和制作图表.      

The reports serve as a practical assessment tool that businesses can use to benchmark their sustainability initiatives against industry standards, 了解他们的业务优势和挑战领域, 并获得深入的数字和视觉上引人注目的进展报告.    

“公司无法完成整个B级影响评估, 不管出于什么原因, can take the (Measure What Matters) survey and request an individualized report that shows how they compare to similar businesses in the six different categories of sustainability, along with individualized recommendations about how they can improve their score.”     

Zeina Eyceoz, NHBSR的项目经理, has been mentoring Loto during her internship and works with her to analyze and interpret the Measure What Matters survey results. 他们审查数据, identifying key trends and insights that could inform survey takers in making strategic decisions, Eyceoz说.   

“在她和我们在一起的时候, 斯凯始终表现出奉献精神, 表达的洞察力和技巧, 分析和解释数据,Eyceoz说. “Her unwavering attention to detail and thorough exploration of tools and resources notably elevated the caliber and comprehensiveness of our reports, providing members with valuable insights and actionable recommendations to facilitate informed decision-making progress in their sustainability journey."  

Loto的角色还包括通过Zoom与企业沟通, 电子邮件外展和参加NHBSR活动.    

洛托说:“我喜欢实习中建立人脉的部分. “我最近参加了一个同伴影响网络会议, and I met sustainability professionals from some of the biggest companies in New Hampshire, 他们是不可思议的.”    

洛托承认,她最初认为“影响学期”是一种简历制作工具, but it has since turned into an experience that has taught her about herself and prepared her for future professional opportunities. 她鼓励其他学生也来看看这个项目.    

“它帮助我获得了我一直在寻找的实习经验. 作为一名大二学生,我很幸运能有一个实习机会. It's been incredible to be so valued by my mentors, even at a young age,洛托说. “人们绝对应该抓住‘学期影响力’这个机会. 主要研究 has so many opportunities to gain real-world experience, and this is a great option.”   

乐透彩票, 保罗的永利app新版本官网地址实习结束后,她不打算放慢脚步. She’ll travel to London during the summer to take a four-credit course at the London School of 经济学 and Political Science. She plans to study abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and intern at the Washington Center in Washington, D.C., in 2025.    

Loto came to Paul College intending to major in finance but decided on analytical economics because of her interest in economic policy and math. She took on her additional major of political science because she had room in her schedule, 这两个专业代表了政府与经济的交叉, 这两点都符合她在美联储工作的目标.    

“我想帮助人们,”洛托说. “经济是世界运转的动力, 我希望能够帮助它尽可能地保持稳定.” 

拉丹绸冈萨雷斯 |彼得·T. 保罗经济与商业学院