A roundup of high-impact research findings and other news

Friday, April 12, 2024
Drone image of salt marsh in autumn


Secondary DNA Transfer Could Lead to Wrongful Convictions

“Touch DNA” is deposited on everyday objects we touch. 但是,当第二个人接触到同样的物体,然后把你的DNA转移到你从未直接接触过的东西上,比如凶器,会发生什么呢? In a study, 一名UNH法医研究员发现了另一个人的DNA的二次转移, which could lead to wrongful convictions, occurred in 50% of trials.

Monitoring Marsh Transformations with Drones

联合国大学的研究人员依靠无人驾驶的飞行器——通常被称为无人机——来监测新英格兰盐沼的变化, 表明这些关键生态系统的健康和寿命发生了变化. 他们在《永利app新版本官网地址》杂志的一项新研究中分享了他们的发现.

Alternative Syrups



每年有惊人的90%的花岗岩州居民从事户外娱乐活动, 这是UNH研究人员为新罕布什尔州公园和娱乐部门准备的一份报告的主要发现之一,该报告有助于量化该州的2美元收入.7 billion outdoor recreation industry.


机器学习模型能帮助公众更好地判断他们所消费的健康新闻的质量吗? Recent research by two UNH professors suggests they can.  

Snow Depth is a Key Factor in Regional Fox Populations

Red foxes coexist surprisingly well with coyotes, perhaps because they feed on their scraps, new UNH research finds. But deep snow is associated with decreased fox populations, perhaps because it inhibits their ability to move around.

Funding News: Machine Learning to Predict Solar Weather

Can machine learning, an application of AI, 帮助我们了解和预测潜在的破坏性太阳天气? 美国国家航空航天局和美国国家科学基金会的新拨款将帮助联合国大学的研究人员找到答案.

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